Thursday, May 2, 2013

Xbox Live Cards and Microsoft Point Cards: Swagbucks

Hello again! Today I'm going to tell you about another website that is similar to Prizerebel. This website is called Swagbucks. Swagbucks is a pretty sweet site that offers you plenty of chances to earn points, in which , you can redeem for cool prizes including Xbox Live and Microsoft point cards. This post will tell you how to join and give you some nice tips to get started.

How to Get Started

Head over to the website Swagbucks (will open in a new window).

Now, just enter your email and the password you want to use and hit join now.

Once signed up it will prompt you for information about yourself and show you some tutorials. Do these for easy swagbucks points.

Now that you are signed up I'll teach you ways to earn easy swagbucks!

Swagbucks Search

One of the ways you can earn bucks is by using Swagbucks search. After logging in click on the search button on the menu bar that is located at the top of the page.
You can use this search engine to  do any search you need to do. You can usually get points a couple times a day off of doing searches.  The trick is to not just keep searching random things for hours on end. Just search it normally as if you were using google. If in a couple searches you did not win any points then stop searching and try again in a couple hours. That's all there is to the swagbucks search.

Swagbucks Watch

The option watch on the Swagbucks Menu is a great place to earn points. For, I believe, every 10 videos you watch you will 3 swag bucks. With a cap set at 150 points a day. For those tech nerds out there who use multiple monitors you can just set up a browser to be playing these videos on one monitor while you do other work on your other monitor. These points are easy and they add up in time. Now the next option to make points is similar to this option, however,  I believe this next option is even better!

Swagbucks Tv Mobile

Do you have a droid cellphone or tablet? AWESOME! search your phone's store or tablets store for an app called Swagbucks Tv. Once you have the app log in and click on a video. Now you can just set it a side while you go do other things. This app will automatically play a video once one video is completed. Every once in a while you will have to hit something for it to refresh however. This is how I've made the majority of my points. 

Swagbucks Play

Swag bucks play is a good way to past the time if you are bored. You play games and at the end of the game you have a chance to win swag bucks.

Swagbucks Answer

Under this Answer option you will see more options: Surveys, Daily Polls, Tasks. The only option I ever mess with here is the Daily Polls. It takes like two seconds to complete daily. I don't do surveys or tasks here, because often I find that I do not qualify for the surveys. In fact I use a different website for surveys and tasks that I will tell you about in a different post soon.

Swagbucks Discover

Under the Discover menu option there are 4 more options. Special offers, Coupons, Toolbar, and NOSO. NOSO is something you can only do daily, but it is worth it. Clicking on NOSO will show you offers for products and what not. You can just keep skipping until you reach the end of the offers for your free points. The toolbar doesn't work for me , but it does for other people so you can give that a shot. I don't mess with coupons or special offers because I'm doing this for free.

Swagbucks Codes


The last thing I'm going to talk about are Swag Codes. These are codes that Swagbucks release on their twitter, facebook, blog etc. They are worth a random amount of points. An easy way to get these codes is to head over to Swagbucks Codez. This is a website where people submit codes they find. I suggest getting an RSS feed program such as FeedDemon. Then sign up for that websites RSS feed. Now whenever they update their website with a new code Feeddemon or your rss reader will alert you.

I hope you enjoyed this guide. NOW SIGN UP FOR SWAGBUCKS!!